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Volume 2, Spring 1981

Home Volume 2, Spring 1981

Volume 2, Number 1, Spring

Intelligence, IQ, Public Opinion and Scientific Psychology

Alfred H. Shephard, University of Manitoba

A Behavioral Approach to Eliminate Self-Mutilative Behavior in a Lesch-Nyhan Patient

Hilary P. Buzas and Teodoro Ayllon, Georgia State University, and Robert Collins, Georgia Institute of Technology

Toward a Reformulation of Editorial Policy

C. Raymond Millimet, University of Nebraska at Omaha

The Growth and Limits of Recipe Knowledge

Leigh S. Shaffer, West Chester State College

Sensation Seeking as a Determinant of Interpersonal Attraction Toward Similar and Dissimilar Others

Billy Thornton, Richard M. Ruckman and Joel A. Gold, University of Maine at Orono

Evaluation of Clinical Biofeedback, by W.J. Ray, J.M. Raczynski, T. Rogers, and W. Kimball

Reviewed by Michael Venturino, Department of Psychology, University of Maine, Orono, Maine

Biofeedback and Self-Regulation, edited by Niels Birbaumer and H.D. Kimmell

Reviewed by Michael Venturino, Department of Psychology, University of Maine, Orono, Maine

Book Reviews

Mind/Body Integration: Essential Readings in Biofeedback

Book Editors: Erik Peper, Sonia Ancoli, and Michele Quinn
Reviewed by Michael Venturino, University of Maine

Dominance Relations: An Ethological View of Human Conflict and Social Interaction

Book Editors: D.R. Omark, F.F. Strayer, and D.G. Freedman
Reviewed by Richard M. Ryckman, Ph.D., University of Maine

The Iceland Papers

Book Editor: Andrija Puharich
Reviewed by Jack Keefe, University of Maine

Sources of Gravitational Radiation

Book Author: Larry Smarr
Reviewed by Gary W. Spetz, Louisiana State University

Controlling Stress and Tension: A Holistic Approach

Book Authors: D. Girdano and G. Everly
Reviewed by Geoffrey L. Thorpe and Selene Marett, University of Maine

Cognitive Psychology and Its Implications

Book Author: John R. Anderson
Reviewed by Alan N. West, University of Maine

Mathematical Models in the Health Sciences: A Computer-Aided Approach

Book Authors: Eugene Ackerman and Lael Cranmer Gatewood
Reviewed by Dwight Hines, Ph.D., Bangor Mental Health Institute

Calculator Calculus

Book Author: George McCarty
Reviewed by Dwight Hines, Ph.D., Bangor Mental Health Institute

Prof. E. McSquared’s Fantastic Original and Highly Edifying Calculus Primer

Book Editor: E.A. Serafetinides
Reviewed by Dwight Hines, Ph.D., Bangor Mental Health Institute

Methods of Behavioral Research

Book Editor: E.A. Serafetinides
Reviewed by Dwight Hines, Ph.D., Bangor Mental Health Institute

Volume 2, Number 2, Summer

Metatheoretical Issues in Cognitive Science

John A. Teske, The Pennsylvania State University, and Roy D. Pea, Clark University

Theory-Tales and Paradigms

H.L. Nieburg, State University of New York at Binghamton

States of Consciousness: A Study of Soundtracks

Felicitas D. Goodman, Ph.D., Emeritus Professor of Anthropology and Linguistics, Denison University

Book Review

The First Fifty Years at the Jackson Laboratory

Book Author: Jean Holstein
Reviewed by A. Douglas Glanville, Ph.D., University of Maine

Data Analysis Strategies and Designs for Substance Abuse Research: Research Issues 13

Book Editors: P.M. Bentler, D.J. Lettieri, and G.A. Austin
Reviewed by Dwight Hines, Ph.D., University of North Florida

Writing Scientific Papers in English

Book Authors: M. O’Connor and F.P. Wadford
Reviewed by Dwight Hines, Ph.D., University of North Florida

Fourier Analysis of Time Series: An Introduction

Book Author: Peter Bloomfield
Reviewed by Dwight Hines, Ph.D., University of North Florida

Introduction to Bivariate and Multivariate Analysis

Book Authors: R.H. Lindeman, P.F. Merenda, and R.Z. Gold
Reviewed by Dwight Hines, Ph.D., University of North Florida

Volume 2, Number 3, Autumn

Memory and Literary Structures

Eugene F. Timpe, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale

Identity Status in Politically Active Pro and Anti ERA Women

Sandra Prince-Embury, Pennsylvania State University, Capitol Campus, and Iva E. Deutchman, University of Pennsylvania

Role Playing and Personality Changes in House-Tree-Persons Drawings

Gertrude R. Schmeidler, City College of the City University of New York

The Reality of Operationism: A Rejoinder

Howard H. Kendler, University of California, Santa Barbara

Operationism Still Isn’t Real: A Temporary Reply to Kendler

Thomas H. Leahey, Virginia Commonwealth University

Book Review

Psychobattery: A Chronicle of Psychotherapeutic Abuse

Book Author: Therese Spitzer
Reviewed by Raymond C. Russ, Ph.D., University of North Florida

The Eagle’s Gift.

Book Author: Carlos Castaneda
Reviewed by Edward M. Covello, Pacific-Sierra Research Corporation

Agoraphobia: Multiform Behavioral Treatment

Book Author: S. Fishman
Reviewed by Geoffrey L. Thorpe and Gary S. Barnes, University of Maine

Table of Isotopes

Book Editors: C. Michael Lederer and Virginia S. Shirley
Reviewed by C.T. Hess, Associate Professor of Physics, University of Maine

The Ecology of Human Development: Experiments by Nature and Design

Book Author: Urie Brofenbrenne
Reviewed by Anne L. Hess, Student Health Center, University of Maine

Clinical and Experimental Neurology: Proceedings of the Australian Association of Neurologists

Book Editors: John Tyre and Mervyn Eadie
Reviewed by Anne L. Hess,Student Health Center, University of Maine

UV-A: Biological Effects of Ultraviolet Radiation with Emphasis on Human Responses to Longware Ultraviolet

Book Authors: John A. Parrish, R. Rox Anderson, Frederich Urbach and Donald Pitts
Reviewed by James A. Rooney, Physics Department, University of Maine

Volume 2, Number 4, Winter

An Epistemological Approach to Psychiatry: On the Psychology/Psychpathology of Knowledge

Olga Beattie Emery and Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, The University of Chicago

Psychology’s Progress and the Psychologist’s Personal Experience

Elaine N. Aron and Arthur Aron, Maharishi International University

Is Field Work Scientific?

Linn Mo, The University of Trondheim

Ego and I.Q.: What Can We Learn From the Frontal Lobes?

LPauline Young-Eisendrath, Ph.D., Bryn Mawr College

Black Stereotypes of Other Ethnic Groups

Linda A. Foley and Peter L. Kranz, University of North Florida

The Rise, Fall, and Resurrection of the Study of Personality

Silvan S. Tomkins, Rutgers – The State University.

Book Review

The Release of the Destruction of Life Devoid of Value

Book Authors: Karl Binding and Alfred Roche
Reviewed by Robert F. Gripp, Ph.D., Bangor Mental Health Institute

Love and Limerance: The Experience of Being in Love

Book Editors: P.M. Bentler, D.J. Book Author: Dorothy Tennov
Reviewed by Linda A. Foley, Ph.D., University of North Florida

The Eagle’s Gift

Book Author: Carlos Casteneda
Reviewed by Daniel Merkur, York University

Handbook of Ethological Methods

Book Author: Philip N. Lehner
Reviewed by J. David Henry, University of Regina

Society and Freedom: An Introduction to Humanistic Sociology

Book Author: Joseph A. Scimecca
Reviewed by Gerry Postiglione, Ph.D., University of Hong Kon

Informed Consent in Medical Therapy and Research

Book Author: Bernard BarberR
Reviewed by Leslie H. Krieger, University of North Florida

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