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Volume 5, Number 1, Winter

Home Volume 5, Number 1, Winter

Volume 5, Number 1, Winter

Desires Don’t Cause Action

J. Michael Russell, California State University

A Critical Look at Castaneda’s Critics

Anton F. Kootte, University of North Florida

Book Reviews

A Colder Eye: The Modern Irish Writers

Book Author: Hugh Kenner
Reviewed by Steven E. Connelly, Indiana State University

The Securlarization of the Soul: Psychical Research in Modern Britain

Book Author: J. Cerullo
Reviewed by Terence M. Hines, Pace University

Taking Laughter Seriously

Book Author: John Morreall
Reviewed by Karl Pfeifer, University of Alberta

Volume 5, Number 2, Spring

The Principle of Parsimony and Some Applications in Pyschology

Robert Epstein, Northeaster University and Cambridge Center for Behavioral Studies

Affection as a Cognitive Judgmental Process: A Theoretical Assumption Put to Test Through Brain-Lateralization Methodology

Joseph F. Rychlak, Loyola University of Chicago and Brent D. Slife, University of Santa Clara

A Psycho-Neuro-Endocrine Framework for Depression: A Clinically Eclectic Approach

Elliot M. Frohman, University of California at San Diego and The Winfield Foundation

A Biofunctional Model of Distributed Mental Content, Mental Structures, Awareness, and Attention

Asghar Iran-Nejad and Andrew Ortony, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

The Double Bind and Koan Zen

Patrick Jichaku, George Y. Fujita, and S.I. Shapiro, University of Hawaii

Occultism is not Science: A Reply to Kootte

Richard de Mille, Santa Barbara, California

Book Reviews

The Evolving Self: Problem and Process in Human Development

Book Author: Robert Kegan
Reviewed by Victor H. Jones, Indiana State University

Children of War

Book Author: Roger Rosenblatt
Reviewed by Mark Senak, The Institute of Mind and Behavior

Ethnicity and American Social Theory: Toward Critical Pluralism

Book Author: Gerard A. Postiglione
Reviewed by Werner D. von der Ohe, University of Munich

Kurt Koffka: An Unwitting Self-Portrait

Book Author: Molly Harrower
Reviewed by William F. Stone, University of Maine at Orono

Aftermath: A soldier’s Return From Vietnam

Book Author: Frederick Downs, Jr.
Reviewed by Steven E. Connelly, Indiana State University

Freud As A Writer

Book Author: Patrick Mahony
Reviewed by Steven E. Connelly, Indiana State university

Volume 5, Number 3, Summer

The Classification of Psychology among the Sciences from Francis Bacon to Boniface Kedrov

Claude M.J. Braun, University of Quebec at Montreal, and Jacinthe M.C. Baribeau, Concordia University, Montreal

What is a Perceptual Mistake?

Aaron Ben-Zeev, University of Haifa

Affect: A Functional Perspective

Asghar Iran-Nejad, Gerald L. Clore, and Richard J. Vondruska, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Fatalism as an Animistic Atrribution Process

Leigh S. Shaffer, West Chester University

Book Reviews

Law, Psychiatry, and Morality

Book Author: Alan A. Stone
Reviewed by Thomas S. Szasz, Upstate Medial Center, SUNY

Psychiatry for Medical Students

Book Author: Robert J. Waldinger
Reviewed by Allen B. Barbour,Stanford University School of Medicine

Psychophysical Method Exercises

Book Author: Robert Masters
Reviewed by Anton F. Kootte,University of North Florida

Denishawn: The Enduring Influence

Book Author: Jane Sherman
Reviewed by Steven E. Connelly,Indiana State University

Heinrich Heine als politischer Dichter [Heinrich Heine as Political Poet]

Book Author: Walter Grab
Reviewed by Gordon Patterson, Florida Institute of Technology

The Language Lottery: Towards a Biography of Grammars

Book Author: David Lightfoot
Reviewed by Gordon Patterson, Florida Institute of Technology

Volume 5, Number 4, Autumn

Logical Learning Theory: Kuhnian Anomaly or Medievalism Revisited?

Joseph F. Rychlak, Loyola University of Chicago

Mental Activity and Physical Reality

Douglas M. Snyder, Berkeley, California

Unity and Multiplicity in Hypnosis, Commissurotomy, and Multiple Personality Disorder

David G. Benner, Wheaton College and C. Stephen Evans, St. Olaf College

Logic Is Not Occultism

Anton F. Kootte, University of North Florida

Playful Perception: Choosing How to Experience Your World, by Herbert L. Leff

Reviewed by Steven E. Connelly, Indiana State University

Book Reviews

Principles of Psychological Research

Book Author: Joel L. Gold
Reviewed by Paul Schaffner, Bowdoin College

A Jungian Approach to Literature

Book Author: Bettina L. Knapp
Reviewed by Victor H. Jones, Indiana State University

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