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Volume 3, Number 1, Winter

Home Volume 3, Number 1, Winter

Volume 3, Number 1, Winter

After Oedipus: Lauis, Medea, and Other Parental Myths

Nancy Datan, West Virginia University

The Myth and Realities of Genital Herpes

Stanley M. Bierman, M.D., F.A.C.P., University of California at Los Angeles

Models in Natural and Social Sciences

Manfred J. Holler, Ph.D., Department of Economics, University of Munich

Reconstructing Accounts of Psychology’s Past

Bronwen Hyman, University of Toronto

Technical Note: Earthworm Behavior in a Modified Running Wheel

Robert W. Marian and Charles I. Abramson, Department of Psychology, Boston University

From Coprolalia to Glossolalia: Structural Similarities Between Gilles de la Tourette Syndrome and Speaking in Tongues

Sheila A. Womack, Ph.D., University City Science Center, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Piaget’s Theory: A Primer, by John L. Phillips, Jr.

Reviewed by R.J. Russac, Department of Psychology, University of North Florida, Jacksonville, Florida 32216

Bursting the Foundations: A Bibliographic Primer on the Criticism of Culture, by Tom Morris

Reviewed by David Downing, Ph.D., English Department, Eastern Illinois University, Charleston, Illinois 61920

Volume 3, Number 2, Spring

The Story As The Engram: Is It Fundamental To Thinking?

Renée Fuller, Ball-Stick-Bird Publications

What Does the Mind’s Eye Look At?

John Heil, University of California

An Olfactory Shuttle Box and Runway for Insects

Charles I. Abramson, Josef Miler, and Dan W. Mann, Boston University

Book Reviews

The Exorcism of Anneliese Michel

Book Author: Felicitas D. Goodman
Reviewed by Sheila A. Womack, Ph.D., Institute of Mind and Behavior

Archetypes: The Persistence of Unifying Patterns

Book Author: Elemire Zolla
Reviewed by Victor H. Jones, Ph.D., Indiana State University

Self and Cinema

Book Authors: Beverle Houston and Marsha Kinder
Reviewed by Warren H. Loveless, Ph.D., Indiana State University

The Gravity Guiding System

Book Author: Robert M. Martin, M.D.
Reviewed by Eoin St. John, Physical Therapy Systems

Social Learning and Change

Book Author: Howard Goldstein
Reviewed by Leslie H. Krieger, University of North Florida

Human Navigation and the Sixth Sense

Book Author: R. Robin Baker
Reviewed by Steven E. Connelly, Ph.D., Indiana State University

Stuff of Sleep and Dreams: Experiments in Literary Psychology

Book Author: Leon Edel
Reviewed by Steven E. Connelly, Ph.D., Indiana State University

(Special Issue)

Volume 3, Number 3, Summer: Part 1


Arthur Efron, State University of New York at Buffalo

Pepper and Recent Metaphilosophy

Andrew J. Reck, Tulane University

What Pepperian Response to Rorty is Possible?

Peter H. Hare, State University of New York at Buffalo

Basic Metaphors and the Emergence of Root Metaphors

Antonio S. Cua, The Catholic University of America

The Concept of Puzzle: Unrecognized Root Metaphor in Analytical Aesthetics

Arthur Efron, State University of New York at Buffalo

(Special Issue)

Volume 3, Number 4, Autumn: Part 2 (Special Issue)

Notes on Experience and Teaching of Film

Barry K. Grant, Brock University

World Hypotheses and their Relevance to Curriculum

Brent Kilbourn, The Ontario Institute for Studies in Education

Teaching: A Study in Evidence

Arthur N. Geddis, East York Collegiate Institute

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